Friday, May 1, 2009

Introduction: Judge or Be Judged

Preview for the next blog: the Pretend Dieter, the Early Leaver, and the Boots.

If you knew about me, I wouldn't be able to successfully judge you. You'd care too much about what I'm thinking, because you would know you'll be the next star of my show (blog). No, I need you caught off-guard. I need you in your own element. I want to see what you do, say, and openly think when you think I'm not listening. I need you to amuse me. And, luckily, so do my readers. Thanks, loyal followers. (Just me, maybe you, and probably not anyone else)

Please note that if you are vision impaired and unable to read my blog, have someone send me an email and I'll learn how to make a podcast for your listening pleasure. Also, please leave comments, if you know the characters (aka, you can relate).

-The Judge

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