Friday, May 1, 2009

Chapter 1: the Cell Phone Driver

Well, hello Ms. Cell Phone Driver. Welcome to the show...

You with your fancy car and oh so important conversation. Sure, you're probably discussing important business or making reservations at the hottest restaurant in town. Well, in all of that "business" you forgot that you're not at the office; you're on a major road. It isn't enough that you probably neglect your family and friends due to your overly unimportant profession, but you felt the need to neglect your current tasking. Yes, Ms. Cell Phone Driver, I'm talking to you, which is tough for you understand given that you can't even part from your phone conversation to politely enter the parallel lane. Sure, you might always drive your fancy car, pull in your six figures, and be the talk of every client from here to Hershey. But, based on what I've seen, you won't be needing any of that for long. Honey, take out a serious life insurance policy, because your driving requires it.

The jury finds you guilty of reckless stupidity.

-The Judge

Introduction: Judge or Be Judged

Preview for the next blog: the Pretend Dieter, the Early Leaver, and the Boots.

If you knew about me, I wouldn't be able to successfully judge you. You'd care too much about what I'm thinking, because you would know you'll be the next star of my show (blog). No, I need you caught off-guard. I need you in your own element. I want to see what you do, say, and openly think when you think I'm not listening. I need you to amuse me. And, luckily, so do my readers. Thanks, loyal followers. (Just me, maybe you, and probably not anyone else)

Please note that if you are vision impaired and unable to read my blog, have someone send me an email and I'll learn how to make a podcast for your listening pleasure. Also, please leave comments, if you know the characters (aka, you can relate).

-The Judge